Archives for 2011

International Meeting on Three Gorges Dam, Chongqing, China

In late October, Kevin Erwin traveled to Chongqing, China at the invitation of the Chinese government to provide the keynote address in a conference there focusing on the wetlands associated with the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir. The 2nd international … [Read more...]

Viera East Prescribed Burn

The Florida Division of Forestry conducted a controlled burn today south of Rockledge to protect homes from potential wildfires. A 25-acre swath was set on fire today in the Viera East area, south of Barnes Boulevard and east of Murrell Road, but … [Read more...]

Opportunities & Challenges for Ecological Restoration within REDD+

The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism has the potential to provide the developing nations with significant funding for forest restoration activities that contribute to climate change mitigation, … [Read more...]

United Nations Recognizes Gulfstream Ecosystem Restoration

Gulfstream Natural Gas System's 400-acre Lake Wales Forest Restoration project is one of 30 successful environmental initiatives recently featured in a report released globally by the United Nations Environment Programme read more … [Read more...]

Water Resources and Global Climate Change

Water Resource and Global Climate Change: Critical Conditions within the Saloum & Casamance Catchments of Senegal & an Opportunity for Management and Restoration of Wetlands and … [Read more...]

Institute of Wetland Research

The Ramsar Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) wetland restoration, mitigation and management working group has been reviewing the existing Ramsar guidance on wetland restoration with the aim of determining if it needs updating and/or … [Read more...]

Wetlands and the 2004 Tsunami

As part of the global response to the 2004 tsunami disaster, the Ramsar Convention asked Wetlands International to coordinate efforts to bring together scientifically sound advice on wetlands in the region in order to assist governments in choosing … [Read more...]

Seychelles Wetlands Evaluation and Workshop

Kevin Erwin accompanied Ramsar Convention Secretary General Mr Anada TiĆ©ga and the Senior Regional Advisor for Africa Mr Abou Bamba, the President of the Republic of Seychelles, H.E. James Michel, during a week-long celebration of World Wetlands Day … [Read more...]

Kampung Penarik Mainland Coastal Tourism Development and Setiu Wetland State Park

A team of international experts collaborated to evaluate the Setiu Wetland area in Malaysia to prepare an integrated development plan. The Malaysian government hired the team to develop a plan to protect the wetlands and waterways while providing … [Read more...]

Wetlands on Phosphate Mined Lands

Evaluation of Constructed Wetlands on Phosphate Mined Lands In 1994 a coalition of researchers from the private sector, NGOs and the universities led by Kevin Erwin and Ronnie Best (UF Center for Wetlands) undertook a monumental two year study of … [Read more...]